AI integration in the logistics sector

I’ve been interested in cutting-edge technology for a long time. That’s why I’m really interested in potential use cases for artificial intelligence. While there are lots of issues with the technology and how it might be used in the future, it’s a tool that can be used for good or for bad – just like any other tool. Guns are not great in the hands of criminals yet few people have a problem when the police is carrying guns.
When it comes to technology as a tool, AI will be very powerful. That much is general consensus by now. When it comes to the integration of AI into specific industries, it gets a lot more complicated.
That’s why the recent blog post from Transmetrics is very interesting. It highlights five potential benefits of AI integration in the logistics sector. Whether these will really be the five most important benefits of AI integration will only become clear over time. Nevertheless, the post contains some important insights into the actual use cases in a specific sector.
You can find the entire post here.