Call for Papers – Law of the Sea in the ASEAN region

The Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law just issued a call for papers for a special issue. The topic: “Law of the Sea in the ASEAN Maritime Domain”. It will be part of a cooperation project called “Strengthening Regional Integration and the Implementation of a Rules-Based International Order in ASEAN”.
The issue will reflect on the progress and prospects of implementing and deepening the law of the sea in the practice of countries across Southeast Asia. Apart from possible pieces on the South China Sea disputes, contributions addressing novel and broader examples of successes and shortcomings for the law of the sea in Southeast Asia are welcome as well.
Abstracts (approx. 500 words) should be submitted by 20 June 2024, full draft papers are then to be submitted by 1 October 2024. All further details on the call for papers can be found here.